Dietary counseling is an integral part of treating malnutrition. A first step toward improving the management of moderate malnutrition is to evaluate dietary messages in current programs and assess their adequacy and effectiveness. To ascertain current recommendations regarding family foods for the treatment of moderate malnutrition and assess whether these are likely to meet nutritional requirements for rehabilitation; to review the effectiveness of dietary counseling in the management of moderate malnutrition. There was a greater emphasis on providing food supplements for rehabilitation than on utilizing family foods. Dietary recommendations were mostly vague and unlikely to be effective.

  • Dietary Counseling for Children in Rohini Sector 6
  • Dietary Counseling for Children in Rohini Sector 7
  • Dietary Counseling for Children in Rohini Sector 8
  • Dietary Counseling for Children in Rohini Sector 9

For more details please contact us at +919555571001